

The Australian Tongan Monimonu Rugby Union group is absolutely ecstatic to announce former Wallaby great, also known as the Tongan Torpedo, Rev. Viliami Ofahengaue, has today officially committed to a permanent senior ambassadorial role with the Australian Tongan Monimonu Rugby Union. Rev. Ofahengaue will act as a tournament ambassador as well as a State ambassador for Lupe’eva ‘o Tonga NSW Rugby Union being a proud New South Welshman.

Ofahengaue has also graciously accepted the honour of the Monimonu Cup Most Valuable Player of the tournament being named in his honour in 2014, the official “Willie O” MVP Medal for both our men and women. True to form, in an interview live from Tonga today, the humble former Wallaby great said he “was really honoured to have the medal named in his honour.” 
When asked on his thoughts on Reverend Ofahengaue’s continuous and gracious commitment to the Tongan community in Australia, Australian Tongan Monimonu Rugby Union President Angina Lapa said “The Faifekau’s (Reverend) love for the community and the people of his heritage, knew no bounds and is a testament to his character, that someone of his worldwide standing sees so much potential in our humble little concept to showcase our best up and coming talent.”

Reverend Ofahengaue’s senior ambassadorial role will be accompanied by another senior ambassador to be named and unveiled via another major announcement in the very near future. All involved with the Australian Tonga Monimonu group are indebted to Ofahengaue and his willingness to help, we know that people of his caliber supporting the cause, will undoubtedly help the next “Willie O” to emerge from the shadows and seek greatness of themselves, no doubt due to the imprint the Torpedo has left on their hearts with this magnificent gesture…the bulls eye that planted the seed. 


[Inset: Reverend Viliami ‘Ofahengaue (left) & Australian Tonga Monimonu Rugby Union/Lupe’eva ‘o Tonga President Angina Lapa (right) ]

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