

Following the commitment of former Wallaby great Rev. Viliami Ofahengaue to a senior ambassadorial role, the Australian Tongan Monimonu Rugby Union group is pleased to announce another former Tongan Wallaby great, has also come on board and taken up the final senior ambassador position. Along with the Rev. Ofahengaue, the duo will effectively co-captain a who’s who list of tournament ambassadors.

The Australian Tonga Monimonu Rugby Union is pleased to announce that former Wallaby great Toutai Kefu has taken up his rightful position alongside Rev. Viliami Ofahengaue as official senior ambassadors for the Australian Tonga Monimonu tournament. The star partnership forms a formidable foundation for the tournament to build off moving forward. Kefu has also graciously taken up a formal ambassadorship role with the Queensland Tongan Rugby Union in recognition of him and his family’s strong connection to the region and group.

Similar to the NRL, with the Clive Churchill medalist awarded to the Player of the Grand Final on the game’s biggest stage, the Monimonu Cup equivalent will also be named in Kefu’s honour, the “Toutai Kefu” medalist in honour of the legacy he has established and continues to establish for all Tongans in Australia. Along with the Willie Ofahengaue tournament MVP medal, it provides the two most esteemed individual awards are named after both these Tongan Wallaby legends of the game and will no doubt provide our players extra impetus to bring their absolute best to the Monimonu Cup with these awards on offer.

Kefu took a moment to express his excitement at being able to give back to the community but also provided a very meaningful reflective commentary on being Tongan and also living in Australia by saying “we are very lucky to live in a country like Australia where our talents on the rugby field are able to be recognized and allow so many doors to be opened.” 
One can only imagine Kefu was humbly alluding to his own life, which saw his father Fatai (a Tongan international) and mother Neomai move the family to Brisbane in search for a better life. Fatai would live long enough to see sons Toutai, Steve and Mafile’o go on to also earn International honours and with the rest of the Kefu children are a living testament to the Australian dream. 

Reading between the lines, Kefu’s heartfelt observation is perhaps the very reason why the Monimonu Cup is an important tool for the Australian Tongan community to help our people realise, the opportunities are there, you just have to be brave enough to take it… dare to dream, dare to be great.
